Biography (select)
Professor of Drawing & Printmaking Rice University. Houston TX. 1980 - 2021
University of Wisconsin M.F.A. 1980
Carnegie-Mellon University Spring 1978
University of Pittsburgh Fall 1977
Atelier 17, Paris, France Fall 1973
University of Iowa B.F.A. 1972
Seton Hill College 1968 - 1971
Gallery: Heidi Vaughan Fine Arts
3510 Lake St. Houston, TX.
90.1 KPFT THE HOUSTON HOUR. with Mister McKinney & Heidi Vaughan. September 20, 2024.
Awards (Selected)
- Honorary Member of Southern Graphics International 2020
- Texas Artist of the Year. Art League of Houston 1994
- Mellon Fellowship 1998
- Best Local Artist. Houston Press. 1992
- National Endowment for the Arts Grant. 1987
- National Endowment for the Arts Grant. 1985
Exhibitions (Selected)
- A real and concise history (of the female gender). Broker Draws Heidi Vaughan Fine Art Gallery. Houston, Tx. September 2025.
- Screams & Whispers: Patricia Bellan-Gillen and Karin Broker Art Museum of WVU. Morgantown, West Virginia. January 26, 2025-May.
- Object Lessons: Contemporary Still Life Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Sept. 2024-2025
- Connector: A Survey Rudolph Bloom Fine Art.. Curator: Tommy Gregory. Houston, Texas. Sept. 14 - Nov. 9. 2024
- 3DTX Heidi Vaughan Fine Art Gallery Tobolowsky, Surls, Broker, Otto, Budge, Marenco, O'Michael, Card, Morales. April 6-June 22, 2024
- The Last XV Years of Collecting Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi. TC. 2023-2024
- my small circus Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi. TX. January 19 - April 9, 2023
- my circus McClain Gallery Houston, Tx. September 16-October 29, 2022
- Love Me, Love Me Not McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2018
- BioScience Collaborative Rice University. Broker Installation. Houston, Tx. 2015
- more damn girls Meadows Gallery. The University of Texas at Tyler. 2014
- Karin Broker: wired, pressed, nailed Art Museum of Southeast Texas. Beaumont, Tx. 2014
- damn girls McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2014 (read the interview with Karin on "The Great God Pan is Dead"; read Pan's review; read Glasstire's review; read the Houston Press review; read the Houston Chronicle review)
- Trouble in Paradise Kirk Hopper Fine Arts Gallery. Dallas, Tx. 2013
- Karin Broker: Wired, Nailed, Drawn & Printed Galveston Art Center. Galveston, Tx. 2012 (read the preview)
- Oddities and Other Opinions McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2010 (read the review)
- Mad Girl McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2006
- A Mad Girl's Small Notes McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2005
- Dark Talk. McClain Gallery Houston, Tx. 2003
- Domestic Melancholia Illinois Wesleyan University of Bloomington, Illinois. 2000
- Drawing in sanguine Gerhard Wurzer Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2000
- Karin Broker Etchings Augen Gallery. Portland, Oregon. 1997
- Notes of a mad girl Etchings. Gerhard Wurzer Gallery. Houston, Tx. 1996
- Broker Dakota Galleries. In conjunction with Gerhard Wurzer Gallery. Houston, Tx. 1995
- Broker University of Denver, Colorado. 1995
- Broker Morehead State University. Morehead, Kentucky. 1995
- Texas Artist of the Year". Art League of Houston. 1994
- Broker McMurtrey Gallery. Houston, Tx, 1992
- Searching for a Saint Broker Retrospective. Rice University, Houston, Tx. 1992
- Broker Susanna Sheffield Gallery. Houston, Tx. 1989
- Broker University of Corpus Christi. Tx. 1988
- Broker Hadler-Rodriguez Gallery. Houston, Tx. 1986
- Broker Baylor University. Waco, Tx. 1986
- Karin Broker Studio-Galerie. Rastede, Federal Republic of Germany. (Oldenburg). 1982
Group Exhibitions (Selected)
- Print Invitational: 2015 International Invitational Prints Exhibition. Yunlin, Taiwan. 2015
- 2014 International Invitational Mini Prints Exhibition. College of Arts, National Taiwan Normal University and Paris Foundation of Art. Taiwan.
- blak-uh n-hwahyt. Documentary: Truth in Black & White. Meadows Gallery. The University of Texas at Tyler. 2014
- A Tender Place. Williams Tower Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2013
- Endless. In conjunction with Print/Houston. McClain Gallery. Houston. Tx. 2013
- Karin Broker . Terrell James . Pat Masterson . Multiplicity. Print/Houston. Williams Tower Gallery. Houston Tx. 2013
- Flowers. McClain Gallery. 2013
- Texas Contemporary Art Fair. Brown Convention Center. With Kirk Hopper Fine Arts, Dallas, Tx. 2012 (get more information).
- Houston Airport System Portable Art Collection. Broker, Gagneux, Friend Gay, Leach, McClain, Moorhead, Sherman, Forster, Thomas and Twaddle. Alliance Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2012 (read the press release).
- A Golden Time of Day. Bourgeois, Baechler, Seliger, Pardo, Broker, Martin, Simpson, Gray Jimenez, Yoder, Art Guys, Hayakawa, Green, Whiteread, Holzer, Fleury, Beckman, Ruscha. McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2012
- McClain Gallery at Houston Art Fair. A selection of works by John Alexander, Karin Broker, Jesus Moroles, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Julian Schnabel, Cy Twombly, and Andy Warhol, among other gallery artists. George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Tx. 2011
- 20 on Paper. Williams Tower, Houston Tx. 2010
- A Room of Her Own. Louise Nevelson, Louise Fishman, Alice Neel, Jenny Holzer, Rebecca Horn, Tara Donovan, Cecily Brown, Judy Pfaff, Chantal Joffe, Kiki Smith, Maya Lin, Karin Broker, Tracey Emin, Allison Schulnik, Kelli Vance, and Katherine Bernhardt. McClain Gallery, Houston, Tx. 2010
- Serious Play. Williams Tower Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2009
- Selections from the Permanent Collection. Martin Museum of Art, Baylor University. 2009
- Paperwork II. Jonathan Ferrara Gallery. New Orleans, LA. 2009
- Small Works: Benton, Held, Bourgeois, Hockney, Dzubas, Moroles, Dumas, Hu, Torreano, Reasoner, Berhardt, Fleury, Nevelson, Dorn, Jensen, Venet, Broker, Alexander. McClain Gallery. Houston, Tx. 2008
- Small Works Big Ideas. (Currin, Emin, Hirst, Lichtenstein, Magritte, Murakami, Ruscha, Serra, Kiki Smith, Warhol and others.) McClain Gallery. 2003
- Una Comunidad de Talleres de Grabado. Galeria Espacio Abierto. Havana, Cuba.
- Texas Prints 2001. (U.T.S.A. Study in Italy Program). Santa Reparata, Italy.
- The Workshop Portfolios. Gencor Art Gallery. Rau University. (Rand Afrikaans University.) South Africa. 2000
- London Original Print Fair. Royal Academy of Art. (Wurzer Gallery). London, England. 1999
- Texas Draws. Contemporary Art Museum. Curated by Lynn Herbert. Houston, Tx. 1999
- Fracturing the Gaze. Lawing Gallery. Houston, Tx. 1997
- Three Texas Artists of the Year. Traveling. Russia. 1996
- Texas Myths and Realities. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Curator: Alison de Lima Green. 1995
- Texas Art For Russia. Sponsored by the American Embassy in Moscow and the Art League of Houston. Traveling. 1995
- L.A. on Paper. Santa Monica, California. 1995
- Texas Select. Wichita Falls Museum & Art Center. Wichita Falls, Tx. 1993
- Drawing on Sculpture. Karin Broker and Stephen Daly. Galveston Art Center. Tx. 1992
- R.S.V.P. Installation Exhibition. Bechtler Gallery. Carillon. Charlotte, North Carolina. 1992
- Figurative Graphics, Graphic Figures Kunst Aus Den U.S.A." 6 American Artists. Berufsverband Bildener Kunstler. Koln, Germany. 1991
- Colorprint USA. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Tx. 1988
- 7 Texas Artists, Small Paintings and Drawings. College of William and Mary. Virginia. 1988
- 1987 International Exchange Exhibition of Prints in Seoul. Korea.
- Graphica Atlantica. Kjarvalsstadir Art Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland. 1987
- 1986 New Orleans Triennial: the Centennial Exhibition. New Orleans Museum of Art, La.
- Nine Texas Printmakers. San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, Tx. 1986
- Singular Points of View. Ten Texas Artists. Art Museum of South Tx. Corpus Christi. 1984
- International Print Exhibit: 1983 R.O.C. Taipei Museum of Fine Arts. Taipei, Taiwan. 1983
- International Exchange Exhibition of Prints, Seoul 1983. Seoul, Korea.
- New American Graphics 3. 37 Artists in the USA. USIA. 2 year tour of European consulates, embassies and museums. 1983
- World Print Four: An International Survey. World Print Council & Smithsonian. 1983-1986
- Bienal Internacional de Gravura e Arte Grafica de Cabo Frio. Cabo Frio,Brazil. 1983
- Showdown. Alternative Museum. 17 White St., New York, N.Y. 1983
- Prints Today/Holland USA. Tour in conjunction with Southern Graphics Council. 1981
Books (art inclusion)
- Loaded: Guns in Contemporary Art. Suzanne Ramljak. Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 2022
- THE ART OF FOUND OBJECTS Interviews with Texas Artists. Robert Craig Bunch. Texas A&M University Press. 2016
- The Artist's Everything Handbook: A New Guide to Drawing and Painting. Kate Wilson. Harper Collins. 2015
- Drawing & Painting: Materials and Techniques for Contemporary Artists. Kate Wilson. Thames & Hudson Ltd. 2015
- Nature Morte: Contemporary Artists Reinvigorate the Still Life Tradition. Michael Petry. Thames & Hudson. 2013
- PROOF IN PRINT: A Community of Printmaking Studios. Boston Public Library in cooperation with Mixit Print Studio. 2001
- Texas: 150 Works from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Alison de Lima Greene. MFAH. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2000
- State of the Art Program Portfolios. Robin Montana Turner. Barrett Kendall Publishing. 1999
- Drawing: A Contemporary Approach. Claudia Betti and Teel Sale. 4th. Edition. . Harcourt Brace College Publishers. 1997
- Contemporary Art in Texas. Patricia Covo Johnson. Craftsmen House. 1994
- Art For Work. The New Renaissance in Corporate Collecting. Marjory Jacobson. Harvard Business School Press. 1993
Selected Public Collections
- Achenback Foundation
- Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi
- Art Museum of Southeast Texas
- Bechtler Collection
- Brooklyn Museum of Art
- Curitiba Cultural Foundation (Cabo Frio, Brazil)
- Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Harvard University, Fogg Museum
- Interfirst Bank
- Irbit Museum, Russia
- Library of Congress
- Lockheed
- McNay Art Museum
- Mint Museum
- Milwaukee Museum of Art
- Museum of South Texas
- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
- Museum of Texas Tech University
- National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
- National Museum of Women in the Arts
- New York Public Library, New York
- Prudential Insurance
Other Creative Works
- Artist Printmaker Research Collection at the Museum of Texas Tech University. Collection since 2007. Lubbock, TX.
- Inclusion in the "Gateways to Art-Global Gallery" in the UK (United Kingdom). A free resource of art by Thames & Hudson, UK
Review Committees
- Member of the review committee for the Department of Art, Art History, and Design at Notre Dame University. Sept. 24-27, 2011.
- Review for College for Creative Studies. Detroit, Michigan. May, 2004.
Guest Artist
- Notre Dame University
- Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
- Anderson Ranch Arts Center
- Morehead University
- University of Kentucky
- San Francisco Art Institute
- Corpus Christi State University
- Carnegie Mellon University.
- University of California, Berkeley
- Baylor University
- Texas Tech University
- Southeast College Art Conference
- The University of Texas, Austin
- Montgomery College. Southern Graphics Council Annual Conference
- Visual Art Source. May 2018 by Donna Tennant. Love Me, Love Me Not.
- Houston Chronicle May 2018 by Molly Glentzer. Love Me, Love Me Not
- Intercontinental Airport Houston IAH. Interview for the Public Art Program (Video). August 2016.
- Houston Chronicle. "Airport is art destination". Molly Glentzer. December 12, 2014
- Houston Press Arts. Capsule Art Reviews: "A Golden Time of Day…" by Meredith Deliso. August, 2012
- Ultimate Clear Lake. "Galveston Arts Center presents Karin Broker". Dana Rasmussen. March 22, 2012
- Journal of the Print World, Inc. Paperwork II. A Group Exhibition of Works on Paper. Jonathan Ferrara Gallery. New Orleans, LA. Vol. 32 No. 3 Summer 2009. Photo page 8.